Sunday, February 18, 2007

Why we are here and what we think about it

Well, we've been here now for what somedays feels like a very long while and on others a quick breath. In truth, it adds up to about 6 months. Some might ask why it is that we decided to come live here for the next three years while Adam persues his dream of becoming a doctor. Well, to start with, we just aren't ready to move back to the US, and the program here is fabulous as it allows him to keep learning in an international context to best serve in Kartoum or Kabul or wherever we go from here. Additionally, living here allows me, Sera, to keep working on an international scope and to live close enough to a conflict zone to be able to commute. Not too many other parts of the world where I'd be able to do that. So, here we are: Be'er Sheba.

Israel is an incredibly interesting place to be, and the real thing is way better than any book I've read! I had no idea of the diversity in population: on our street alone we have a family from Tunisia, a "spy" and his extended family relocated from Gaza, an extended Bedouin family, a handyman who grew up on a kibbutz, and some other med students. The demographics, geopgraphy, and politics will keep us learning for at least the four years we are here. We are loving it more and more, day by day, and are feeling really blessed to call this part of the world home for a little while.

What we love about Be'er sheba: our friends, our house, the weather, the cheap produce, and the lively atmosphere ensured by our current geographical location of 18 miles east of Gaza. What we could love more about Be'er Sheba: a bookstore, a taco bar, a yoga studio, and a clean dog park.

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