Thursday, February 22, 2007

Home for the holidays

Again, please forgive the time lapse. It is february and I am posting this stuff now, so I am going to indulge in some time travel...won't you join me?

Adam and I boarded the same plane early in the am on December 22 to travel to Vermont to spend some time with our families. We never get to travel together, so this was a real treat for us. We tarried longer than desired due to "weather" in NYC, which was mostly ok with us as it allowed for several rounds of tacos and burittos. We arrived in Vermont, where it was raining! In December! No snow to be seen anywhere....strange.

The next day my sister and mother arrived, and so there we were, the first offical gathering of both of our families. We spend a few fun filled, action packed days together planning, planning, and planning some more for the upcoming summer wedding. It went mostly very well, and I only cried once, which I hear is pretty good as far as wedding planning goes. Really though, Adam and I are thrilled that our families enjoy one another so much. And amazed at their generosity in throwing this party for us. Hope you can all make it, its going to be something!

The ladies of both families, plus Adam, then traveled to Boston where Connie, Sera's mom, flew back to Austin, and the rest of us met my Rabbi, Lev Baesh, for my formal conversion on december 26th. What an incredible experience, from beginning to...I'd say end, but I feel it was just another beginning. I've been working with Lev for well over a year now on my conversion. He agreed to lead me through this experience via email, as he lives in New Hampshire, and I wasn't having any luck finding a Rabbi in Communist Vietnam (taste the sarcasm??). The process was rich, and full of adventure for both Adam and I as we led a Passover Seder in Hanoi, honored Shabbat with all kinds of different folks around, and did our best to honor the holidays in the midst of that crazy Communist coutry, lacking much of anything in the way of God. So, Lev arranged for my mikveh to take place at this phenonmenal place in Newton, MA, called Mayyim Hayyim. A mikveh designed with water, women, and the sacred in mind, to be sure. The ceremony was truly a milestone in my life I will never forget, and always remeber with a deep appreciation for the moments that Adam, Judaism, and Lev came into my life. Blessed, on all counts. So, now I am formally a member of the tribe, and am looking forward to walking my path as a Jew with a hightened sense of compassion, community, and history, than before.

We then headed back to Vermont, Adam went skiing, I read books, made soup, and we all relaxed. Adam and I drove up to Monreal for New Year's where we enjoyed a night with friends, sushi, and were in bed at 12:07. Here we are, all dressed up, at the tasty sushi place toating the new year!

Then it was back to Vermont, wrapped up the remaing wedding stuff, and back to Be'er Sheba. On seperate planes, of course!

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