Adam: Super Dad. He is really amazing in this role. He wakes up smiling, mostly, to greet the singing boys in their shared room to start the day. His job starts immediately, no coffee or commute to ease into his day. Once they are up, he is on! Adam usually puts their breakfasts together, gets Naz's lunch ready for school (today he went off with strawberries, apple slices, yogurt, and some Hebrew National hotdog slices). He an d Bo dropped Naz off at school, and then he and Bo are of to pass thier days with playdates, shopping, library story times, and naps naps naps. He is exhausted, no doubt, at the end of these days, but I think he's having the time of his life. It shows, he just had to put a new notch on his belt: he's gotten even thinner chasing these kids around. They love him, too. Dada is now the preferred story reader, bath giver, and band mate. Its ok, they are all so happy. This year continues to be such a gift.
Naz: Toddler Exquisite. He sings, loves his brother (mostly, although we are seeing more and more of this roughhousing that could be translated as too tough play), keeps us up do date all day long of what is going on, Mama, Bo woke, or Dada, Naz peeped. Never a dull moment. He loves his garden school where he is planting his summer crop: peas, watermelon, and maybe an artichoke? I forget. He is using his own green potty more and more, and is SO proud and surprised when something comes out. Such a joy.

Bodhi: Baby fat and happy. Ah, this baby is so so delish. His big cheeks, monster thighs. He wants to be wherever his brother is. He follows him around, crawling as fast as his fat legs will take him. He smiles almost all of the time. Still not sleeping as awesome as we'd like him to be, but all in good time, right? He likes to play with his brother's toys, and really anything he can get his hands on. Loves to play, and to quote his Pops who shares his birthday seems generally, "just happy to be here".
Sera: working. Well, I do that a fair bit. I am loving my job, really loving it. Its been a long time since I've loved what I do this much. I love my boss, she takes this stuff super serious and is incredibly capable. I am learning a lot from her. I am traveling a fair bit: Oklahoma, South Carolina, Kentucky, Boston, NYC, and Chicago this spring. I am reading the history of Texas, am really enjoying learning more about the complicated history of this wild place we get to call home for THREE MORE YEARS. And yes, I just bought a 1964 Vintage Shasta because I decided I needed a hobby, so here I go!

Life is smiling on us, we feel it, everyday. I will do my best to keep writing regularly here so the narrative that goes along with the seductive photos of our life lures you to visit us. We miss having people over for dinner every week, for meeting folks in the park for a barbeque, and having folks close enough to just drop by. I hope some of those days are on the horizon, its all we are missing: kindred close at hand.
Let us know when we can put the tea pot on for you, we miss you~