We spent the first few days as a formally married couple cleaning up after the best hippie wedding EVER! In that time we spent some more times with friends and family, seen here are JoJo and Kate giving us one of our seven daily blessings that is Jewish tradition and drinking some tasty tea in Burlington!
We decided our first adventure would be to the Maritime Provinces in Canada, Sera's new country of citizenship (whooooooop!). Adam planned the entire trip, and I (Sera) really had no idea where as I was going. As a typical American I knew next to nothing about Nova Scotia and New Brunswick citing Neil Young, Anne of Green Gables, and hockey as my main points of reference for all things Canadian. So after cleaning up the debris left at HydeAway Farm we hopped in the VW Golf and headed north.
First stop: Montreal, Quebec. My mother, step-father, siblings, their significant others, some of my mom's friends from Austin, and some friends of ours, as well, were awaiting our arrival to initiate the honeymoon festivities. We zoomed through Vermont's back roads where we were the only car at the border crossing (imagine it!) arriving in Montreal just in time for a brilliant summer sunset. Mom and Sam, as is true to their general way of being in the world, had made reservations for us all at a boutique hotel in the old city of Montreal. Our VW chariot was whisked away by the valet parkers as we transformed ourselves from the dirty hippies we are to the clean cut children of privilege that we also are. Classical music greeted us as we opened our door to our inviting room with hard wood floors, exposed brick, and a view of the river. WOWOWOW! Adam slipped right into his new role as husband by gently bossing around the hotel staff to undertake such tasks as making dinner reservations for us and finding a spa for massages. Ah, the "honeymoon card", we would play it many times on this trip.
We enjoyed a few days in Montreal with my family: eating incredibly well, lounging in our private hot tub, getting more time with friends in Montreal, and having lots of quality time with my siblings which is a rare occurrence. Adam's sister Nancy even joined us for one especially racy night on the town where we sampled the local brew of Absynth over ice with sugar and all! No ears were cut off in the process. We are so thrilled that our siblings enjoy one another so much, and that we had a night of debauchery together before we headed away the next day.
From Montreal, Adam's itinerary took us through Quebec City on our way to the hippie music festival in Antigonsish, Nova Scotia. The thing is, Canada is much like the objects you see in your rear view mirror: much larger than they appear! What he thought was 12 hour drive was much closer to 20, especially considering the hurricane strength winds we encountered at about 2 am in the second worst thunderstorm I've ever seen (the first prize winner appears later in the story). But I am getting ahead of myself.
Quebec City is a quaint town on the St.Lawrence river. We had the good fortune of hearing live bagpipes while wandering the streets at dusk and enjoying a cute little cafe in the old quarter. After, we jumped on the trans-Canada and moved our way east. So, at this point in the story we have a truly awesome thunderstorm blowing in. Adam is sure that Antigonish can't be as far as the signs are saying (yeah, right....) and as it is high season, there is not a hotel room vacancy in the province. The VW holds her own, as does Adam's ability as an endurance driver, and at about 5am we pull over to the side of the road, emotionally and physically exhausted, and pass out. Cold.
Awakened a few hours later by a warm sun on our faces, we rouse ourselves, and get back on the road. At this point in our trip, I witnessed yet another shift in Adam's demeanor seemingly a result of his new marital status. He decided we needed to supplement our primitive camping supplies with an inflatable air mattress. Hmmm, I thought, that seems a bit indulgent. But ok, if you want it, Adam, go ahead. Off we go to the festival with a bag full of yummy food for camping, lots of water, and a new "grown-up" air mattress.
Upon arrival at the festival, we quickly found our friends which wasn't tough because we in nowhere land Canada and there were around 2000 people there. We pitched the tent, complete with the plastic flowers decorating the honeymoon suite we carried around with us throughout the journey and enjoyed three days of hippie heaven: live music, drum circles, cooking food and tea over a camp stove, a swimming hole complete with naked dread-locked earth mamas, with tee pees and tie-dye flags surrounding us.

Mother Nature decided to remind us periodically throughout our journey that as blissed out as we can feel on a day full of honeymoon goodness, She can rock your world in just a few moments of power. We were humbled, deeply, several times on this trip as we found ourselves in the middle of blustering winds, thick sheets of pounding rain, mere feet between us and righteous daggers of lightening, and deep darkness surrounding us. Many days of our trip were spent ringing out our clothes and waiting for our belongings to dry in the soft Nova Scotia summer sun. What else did we have to do, anyway. It was fine by us to slow down, soak up the sun, and thank our lucky stars we'd made it another glorious day.
We bid farewell to our hippie kindred and headed North to Cape Breton National Park. Our campsite overlooked the ocean where we watched whales breach, storms blow in and out, and one another breathe deeply relaxing into our heavenly days. We hiked, ate lots of lobster, drank tea, and loved every moment for all that is was: perfect. The park is close to a Buddhist Monetary I'd been pining (Bad Buddhist!) to spend some time. We went for a day visit and made an offering of a Kata from our wedding, praying for contentment, grace, and health for us all. I felt so at home, I wept a bit as we left hoping that someday life clears some space for me to spend to know this place better. Someday.
On to Halifax and our pool side room on the Harbor front. Days here passed walking in the public gardens, eating more lobster, and watching the world do its thing. Its a lovely little city with what Adam keeps telling me is mild weather as we contemplated the decision that will meet us one day when we decide where he will hang up his Dr. sign and make his living. Wow, that day seems a long ways away.
We then headed down the home stretch making for the Supper Ferry that would carry us home. In Yarmouth Bay we rejoined our American compatriots as we drove our little VW (the only non-SUV on the boat!) into the belly of this nautical beast. Upstairs where we watched whales swimming by, there was a casino, three movie theaters, and two restaurants.
This is a serious ride! Needless to say, the time passed quickly and before we knew it we were back at US customs where are always so warmly welcomed by guards who want to know everything about us and why we went to such places as Egypt, Jordan, and Israel. Welcome Home!
The soundtrack for the trip was our wedding music that Adam thoughtfully burned to four discs before we headed out, and we danced our way through the Martimes reliving the moment by moment euphoria every married couple should be so lucky to hold near and dear to them.
It seems like a long time ago and already so many miles have been added to the journey. Reality has snuck back into our lives as Adam studies, Jed plays, and I work. What a brilliant life we tread; everyday is a honeymoon for us.
More to come.....